Sunday, January 29, 2012

Assignment #3

      As a student, I feel inquired to do the assignment for this blog.  As a lazy person, and a procrastinator, I have decided to explain how this project is in fact pointless.  Students are distracted now more than ever by the rapid growth of media accessibility.  The chances of a student actually sitting down to read a article are immensely slim.  I started reading with the intention of doing the assignment, but soon found it to be much to trying.  I am too tempted to get on facebook and talk to friends, or go on youtube.  It makes it even more of a struggle when the assignment requires you to go onto the internet to read.  I feel less distracted at a zoo than I do on the internet.  This is why procrastination runs so high in students today.  There are simply way to many distractions for students.  The best exercises are the ones that use the internet to their advantage.  If our project was to watch a video on yourube and write an analysis on that, then I feel like the chances of a student actually participating in the assignment would increase.  It is nearly impossible to stay focused in this day and age.  The after reading the article, I do not feel any more educated towards my degree.  It would be more educational to watch a movie that was nominated for best sound production at the oscars.  That would teach us to listen and learn from others work, which is what all the best people in the film industry do.  They all study each others work.  Reading an article about how to "reinvent ourselves," may sound like a good idea, but the truth is that the message simply does not transfer over in an article like it does on a video format.  As of now I am typing this response while one of my roommates is playing a video game, and the other is listening to music on his laptop.  Focus is hard to come across, and silence is even more rare.  Reading that article did not help me become a more creative person by any means.  If anything, it made me feel as if I waisted my time.  I enjoy many articles, but not when I am required to poor all my focus into it.  Its sad, but the truth.  Not just for me, but for most teenagers today.

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