Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

Character Name: Mountain Man

Mountain Man is a proud man of the hills.  He was born a native to the land, and these colors represent his tribe.  His hart is always in the right place, and he has good intentions.  The orange represents the dust of the ground where his ancestors have lived for many years.  The yellow represents his future as a mountain man. He has a bright future, and a destiny.  The brown stands for his dark past.  He had many struggles as a young native boy with the cowboys trying to take over his family’s land.  This is the reason he has gone to the mountains to search for some answers.  The green represents his quest, and his journey to greener lands.  The grass is always greener on the other side.  


The shape here is a butte. On mountain Man’s journey, he comes across a butte that he feels he must climb.  This is a large struggle for Mountain Main, but his manages to get to the top.  The structure is strong, tall, and sturdy, with represents himself.  Mountain Man is a very tall and brave man who is not easily knocked down.  There is a small break in the structure, and a piece of the butte seams to of departed from the rest of it. This represents Mountain Man’s departure from the rest of his tribe.

This rising sun represents his rising in society.  He has finally made the hard decision to leave his friends and family, and now he has a very important task, to find a way to take out the cowboys.  Like the sun always rises and sets, Mountain Man will not stop until he finds the answers he is looking for.  The light is not too bright, representing how Mountain Man’s mood is not too high, because he is worrying about his family that he had to leave. 

Character Name: Shooter Rusty

The cowboy known as Shooter Rusty, is a blood thirsty killer.  Whenever he enters a town or a village, the sky turns blood red. This red represents his harsh, ruthless, murderous attitude.  He has not problem with going into a village and killing everyone in the town.   Red represents pure evil. Shooter Rusty is notorious for murdering Native Americans.  He often attacks Mountain Man’s village, and has killed many of the Indians there.  
The shape of the tombstone represents the many men who are dead because of Shooter Rusty.  He kills many men, but would never lay hand on a woman or child. The classic tombstone model also represents Shooter Rusty’s old fashioned shooting ways.  He is not innovative in his killings, instead he just shoots people in cold blood. Shooter also comes from a scarred background.  His parents were murdered by a corrupt sherif when he was a young boy.  At the age of Seven he left home and found an abandoned  ranch where he raised himself.   

Whenever Shooter Rusty goes out to kill, he will come to a town at dusk, and not leave till midnight.  Was because his parents were killed at dusk, and he did not find thee ranch till midnight that same day.   He obviously has a lot of problems in his life, and he uses murder as a way of coping with his despair.  He enjoys killing indians because he believes them to be a menace to society.  He has a vary dark soul, because of his past, and the lighting in this picture represents that.

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